Vaastu Tips for House

  • Before starting the construction some things have to be considered such as shape of plot which is the most important to determine. Irregular shape plot can have bad impact on occupants, so choose regular plot such as square or rectangle.
  • Vastu suggests digging a well in North-east and after that to start the construction.
  • Open space should be given more towards the North and the East and less towards the South and the West.
  • Open space at South-east and North-west should be equal.
  • Avoid planting trees in North-east corner while all other directions are suitable. Heavy trees must be grown towards South, West and South-west side.
  • More windows must be given towards East and North while Southern and Western sides must be avoided for windows and doors.
  • Avoid doors in straight line.
  • Front door must be larger than other doors especially exit door.
  • In the plots Western side must be elevated than Eastern side and Southern must be elevated than North to determine the auspiciousness.
  • As discussed North-east is the first to dig and Vastu recommends starting construction from here and then move forward to East, North and finally South & West.
  • After the foundation is dug in North-east pillars must be stand starting from South-west and later to go in South, West direction and finally in East and North.
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